Step-by-Step Guide: Installing a Bandsaw Blade

Step-by-Step Guide: Installing a Bandsaw Blade

Step-by-Step Guide: Installing a Bandsaw Blade

  1. Remove the Blade Guard: Carefully detach the blade guard to access the blade area.

  2. Loosen Blade Guides: Adjust the blade guides to accommodate the width of the new blade.

  3. Install the New Blade: Place the new blade onto the wheels, ensuring it sits correctly within the guides.

  4. Tighten the Blade: Adjust the tension so the blade contacts the back edge guide rim appropriately.

  5. Secure Guide Blocks: Lock the left and right guide blocks using the adjusting screws to stabilize the blade.

  6. Test Run at Low Speed: Operate the bandsaw at a low speed to ensure the blade is tracking correctly.

  7. Adjust Wire Brush Position: Position the wire brush so its outer ring contacts the blade teeth, aiding in debris removal during operation.

For a visual demonstration of these steps, you may find this video helpful: